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Zlatokrt last won the day on April 21 2024

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About Zlatokrt

  • Birthday 05/08/1986

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  1. Returning to my own question - D. magnifica likes misting, at least in my terrarium conditions. I water it only through misting with RO water every evening. Thought it might help someone in the future :-)
  2. Hi all, it has been some time since my last post with photos here. I have moved to a new house two years back, built some new growing spaces, improved my lighting systems... There is still a lot of to do (like a greenhouse), but the plants are currently growing fine, which I would like to share. I have three main growing spaces: grow tent with a 220 W led source, used only for the winter (the plants are otherwise in the garden) and two aquariums rebuilt for the plants, one for helis with 90 W led source and one with led stripes, circa 75 W in total. Hope you will like it. Adam The grow tent: Tray with tuberous sundews D. aberrans D. zonaria D. browniana D. squamosa D. hookeri D. erythrorhiza Among others, D. hilaris looks great this time of the year D. esterhuyseniae And flowering P. immaculata on a calcareous rock The aquarium with heliamphoras, they were recently flowering wildely (the aquarium is usually covered, the cover was removed during taking this photo): And the sundew aquarium. Both aquariums are in the basement and I have currently improved them with a cooling... a hose connected to the ventilation of the basement, which constantly blows cool air from the outside into the aquarium. The temperatures vary very nicely with about 25 °C during the day and slightly below 20 °C during the night. Some of the plants - D. chrysolepis, D. camporupestris, D. magnifica, D. villosa, D. spiralis, D. tomentosa var. glabrata... The succulent leaves of G. roraimensis This D. solaris is going to flower soon (but I have never got any seeds from it) D. meristocaulis - small, but growing D. arenicola D. kaieteurensis And D. hirticalyx - I do not know why, but this species stays always green in my conditions, never getting the deep red as in nature. Does it need so much more light than the other species? Or is it the clone which is in cultivation?
  3. For those more experienced with this extraordinary species, what about misting? Does it like or unlike it? I have been told from the seller that he is not spraying his plants, but it would be convenient for me if I could do it. Moreover, it seems natural, judging from the habitat, where the air moisture should occur through the uplift winds (as it is written in the description).
  4. Sadly, one of the lecturers, Andrej Pavlovic, got ill and I havent been able to find a replacement in the short time till the event. I have expanded time for each lecture, which will allow a longer time for a discussion (or at least a coffee break) between each lecture.
  5. Dear CPers, if you are going to join the Friday meeting, Saturday raut or Sunday trip, be sure to make your reservation before the Friday 7th June, we are going to close the reservations for these! We will sent an email with further information to all registered after this date. Of course, the registration for the main EEE part - exhibition, sellers and lectures - remains open. All the best Adam Veleba
  6. Dear CPers, the EEE in Prague is closer and closer. Ten sellers, exposition with many CPs in a separate greenhouse, informal meeting on Friday, Saturday evening raut... That means lots of discussion with other growers and CP experts, botanical garden opened just for us, food and drinks. ;-) Going to join us on Saturday? You are welcome! But please make your registration as soon as possible: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-CgjkUzRCHRT0R1LLCyfpt5jTZdLvSbh1b14B22Pgt2SaUQ/viewform . We will have to order the raut soon and the number of places is not unlimited! Hope to meet you soon in Prague Adam Veleba
  7. The program of lectures is here, see the first post of this topic!
  8. Just... wow! Really beautiful plants. Will you share your growing conditions with us? I have been thinking about trying this one, if I manage to get is somewhere.
  9. Dear all, we have just opened the registration for EEE 2019 in Prague. The pages are in Czech / English languages. The program is listed here: https://www.darwiniana.cz/masozravky/eee-2019:start And here is a direct link to the registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-CgjkUzRCHRT0R1LLCyfpt5jTZdLvSbh1b14B22Pgt2SaUQ/viewform Feel free to ask about anything you haven't found on our web, either here, via PM or email [email protected]. We are looking forward you in Prague! Adam
  10. I am afraid I cannot say who is a big Dionaea seller. There are currently 10 sellers registered: Ludo Verdyck Pavel Bartoň Markéta Aubrechtová David Švarc Michal Kouba Gartenbau Thomas Carow Oliver Gluch Peter Harbarth Roraima Diflora You can check the list of the sellers with links on their webpages on the bottom of this page: https://www.darwiniana.cz/masozravky/eee-2019:start Regards Adam
  11. Can be. It does not cope with the drought very well, so you unless you spray your plants often, you should let the pot stand in a bit of water.
  12. I am happy to confirm another lecture: Dr. Jan Schlauer is going to speak about the quinones of the Queensland sundews.
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