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About maverick

  • Birthday 02/06/1993

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  • Location
    Venlo area, Netherlands
  • Interests
    Anthocyanin free Sarracenia, photography.

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  1. maverick

    My plants

  2. Thanks a lot guys! It's the Cultivar Zlatokrt mentioned i think, i've found pictures of an adult plant and mine just looks like it.
  3. Hi Guys, A couple of weeks ago I bought this strange looking plant at a local garden centre. It didn't have any ID and nobody could tell me what it was. I've been googling for ages, but I can't find anything that looks like this plant. Does anybody have any idea what I've bought? I'm looking for a name and possible care for it, but all information is welcome. In the gallery you can see some pictures of it: http://www.cpukforum.com/forum/index.php?app=galleryâ„‘=6936 Thanks a lot for your help! Regards, Laurens
  4. Happy Birthday ;)

  5. Happy Birthday ;)

  6. I'm very sorry to see this happen to your plants, but indeed you can be happy there was no hail included. You always cheer people up with pictures of your gorgeous plants during the winter at the northern hemisphere. I hope they will recover soon!
  7. Yes, I remember it from a website of a grower I think who's in the US. Here is the link to his website with the picture of the plant: http://www.flickr.com/photos/corrosivehalo/3457908097/ I don't recognize the second one Good luck!
  8. In the second year I put my seedlings in trays with multiple plant "holes" , you can compare them with many little pots fused together, they are about 4x6 each hole. Then in the third year I put them in 7x7x8 cm pots, in this year they will mostly grow a lot faster. Good luck!
  9. I've had the Darlingtonia Lois Glass myself, it came from Mike. Mike told me when I got it it was a form that wouln't grow really large like a normal Darlingtonia. They get around 30/40 cm high, but not any higher. Good luck! Laurens
  10. maverick


    Wow! That's early... I think your winter is very long there in Sweden, isn't it?
  11. Looking very good Willy! Thanks for sharing
  12. It indeed looks really healthy now! and you will get a nice clump with all those new growing points Happy Growing!
  13. They look better every time you post pictures of you plants! Why don't you send some of that nice Italian weather to us? The sun hours here are terrible... Thanks for sharing & happy growing!
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