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dudo klasovity

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About dudo klasovity

  • Birthday 12/14/1979

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    Czech Republic
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    travelling chemistry enthomology speleology meteorology fossils minerals sports pubbing

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  1. New season of 2013 at www.droseraworld.com just started! Check out our updated website offering over 60 species of carnivorous plants:-) Wish you much growing success! Dusan
  2. Hey Dieter, thanx! And I was wondering why the leaves were gold, reddish, metallic orange or green on various plants! Now your post explains it;) Thank you for important correction:) Best regards, Dusan
  3. Hi there! I have been using mostly Gelrite lately for its transparency and easy detection of potential contamination (my working setup isnt ideal;-). It is a bit more expensive but you only need about a 1/3 of agar amount and also it is easier to set the pH, which is very important (less impurities). Good luck! :-)
  4. First time I see a flower in cultivation, really beautiful. How old is the plant? Thanx for sharing;)
  5. I have often wanted to try this genus for artificial propagation because as normally short-lived plants, they would theoretically seem to propagate very fast under aseptic conditions. Even when I got my hands on some very fresh seeds, the set back has always been insufficient sterilization of the seeds, because of the surface. As with gemmae of pygmy sundews, the surface is not smooth and even though I have been able to get rid of fungal contamination, the bacterial growth was killing the seeds in most of cases. (I dont use ATB). And when I overcame this problem, the second hurdle was to make them germinate in a reasonable period of time. The success rate with GA3 was 50% for me (not ideal, but sufficient) When they are in vitro, aseptic and germinating, the rest is simple and you can just watch them grow on 30-50%MS and propagate well without the hormones. They are beautiful plants with amazing flowers! :-) Out of the jar, but still in the gel (Byblis aquatica): In substrate: Hope this helps to anyone willing to try them:-)
  6. ..and here I add some pictures of today, mostly new cultures: drosera falconeri, still without root system, but flowering already drosera montana var. montana "Botumirin' drosera sp. 'Auyan Tepui' on semi-liquid gel (some dews grow much faster this way) drosera madagascariensis. Don't know how or why, but I never get this species right nutrition-wise. Always get a pale plants like this. Growing well though. Even with excess of Mg and Fe they look like this. Perhaps sensitive to some element/compound? Not sure. My favourite and in my opinion very elegant plant, the drosera ascendens from Caminho do Mar germination of seeds of drosera cistiflora 'Nieuwoudtville' drosera regia a newcomer, very nice hybrid drosera ascendens x drosera schwackei sarracenia leucophylla from Perdido
  7. Dear CP growers! Past 2 weeks I have been deflasking and started to acclimatize many sundew species from in vitro. Most of them grew well in various tested nutrient media, some test have been performed with hormones and with colloidal silver. Of course, some were lost in research and there are still many hurdles to master some species;) Here I would like to share several pictures with you. drosera aff.petiolaris "pin cushion form" x drosera ordensis in vitro For some species finally I got the right composition for inducing the tuberisation, here the tubers of drosera rupicola "various flower colours" Deflasking and acclimatisation of d.falconeri, d. hartmeyerorum, d. rupicola, d. zigzagia and d.kaieterurensis Laboratory acclimatisation of d.mannii and various lasiocephala sundews Laboratory acclimatisation of d.pulchella "Salmon flower", d. closterostigma and d.capensis "Baines Kloof" and "All Red" Greenhouse acclimatisation of d.affinis, d.ascendens, d. burmannii, d. sessifolia, d.sp."Pretty Rosette", etc Greenhouse acclimatisation of d.admirabilis, d.camporupestris, d.ascendens, d.esterhuyseniae x slackii etc Fully acclimatised d. hilaris If the weather continues to be so nice, they will be hardened in 2 weeks time, hopefully. Hope you liked the pics:)
  8. what about micro and macro elements? The plants cant grow well just on sugar and vitamins, and I think the BAP is not necessary for sundews. Good luck! DK
  9. They dont go dormant in the real sense, but when you dont give them enough light/warmth they tend to die on the surface and then recover from roots when it gets warmer. Therefore very deep pots are an advantage when growing them. Also it is good to keep the substrate only slightly moist during the dormancy.
  10. Very nice plants, Maurizio! Has the d. hilaris ever flowered for you? I have been growing some amount of specimen for 2 seasons now (adult plants) and they grow very well but never produced a flower stalk. I wonder what the trick is about making them flower. Thanx for sharing the pics! ;)
  11. Thanx for a very nice and interesting report. It is always gret to see the plants in habitat. Love the burmannii shots!
  12. Hey thanks Dani,,for pointing out the location typo,,I have corrected it;) Marc- I use the regular thin foodfoil and after placing it over the jar, I wrap the brim in parafilm. Normally I use one layer. For jars that are placed in the fridge (temporary cold stratification) I use 2 layers (with alcohol spray in between), because the air volume contraction is significant upon cooling and one needs to prevent the suction of contaminants from the air.
  13. As I was going through some jars I have sown seeds in recently and also some subcultures and took some pictures. Hope you like them:) drosera stelliflora drosera regia seedlings for starting a culture drosera kaieteurensis drosera hirticalyx drosera hilaris drosera falconeri drosera venusta 'Albino form' drosera ascendens 'Caminho do Mar' seedlings drosera afra biblis aquatica seedlings drosera mannii (shoot initiation from gemmae on hormones) drosera closterostigma 'Mogumber' drosera ascendens 'Airuoca' drosera sessifolia drosera hartmeyerorum sarracenia leucophylla seedlings drosera camporupestris germination of drosera natalensis part of the jar section
  14. Hey Dieter that is some wonderful photography of an amazing plant! Really beautiful flower! Have you had any problems with germinating the seeds?
  15. Great work , Dani! Indeed it looks a bit like drosera ascendens of some locations. You have posted so many beautiful pictures of your hybrids, I am getting a bit lost in a sense of numbers. Do you have a list of all the hybrids created by yourself so far?
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