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jeff 1

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Everything posted by jeff 1

  1. I have fresh seeds not from alata but from bahiensis . I have also fresh seeds from contrajerva have you others dorstenia? jeff
  2. it is a plant in a calcareous environment, so for me rather use a more mineral substrate, just moist substrate not too wet. right now at my house they are outside. the light of the sun is always one more, especially for this species which in the sun makes beautiful purple borders on the edge of their leaf
  3. I agree with ADA. all temperate species must stay outside all year round (no refrigerator needed),I would even say Mexican from May to October 'in situ' often hibernacula form in JULY - AUGUST . I think we should leave them outside here, even at the risk of restarting, but nevertheless bring them in if they have leaves when it freezes (this risks making them die)
  4. P.mariae P.vulgaris subsp anzalonei
  5. http://pinguicula.free.fr/lepoceras.png http://pinguicula.free.fr/poldini.png
  6. very interesting report, the environments do not seem the same as the Spanish stations ? jeff
  7. do you know what mexican specie it is ? hybrid ,taxon ? jeff
  8. once you return, watering must be drastically reduced or even removed for certain species. the problem is also the substrate, in the case of peat it must just be slightly wet, nothing more.
  9. magnifique grow you terrestrial orchids from australia ? jeff
  10. Bonjour actually in your country it is the spring ( summer in december-february), also for me, leave these seedlings out, especially cover them to prevent threshing of the substrate by the rain. longifolia is not a acid specie but a calcareous like a lot of temperate , then use a calcareous substrate for them . my substrate for these calcareous species (including mexican and some others) -cat litter with sometimes akadama (bonzaï substrate) 50% -pouzzolane 12.5% -calcareous sand 12.5% -river sand 12.5% -vermiculite 12.5% jeff
  11. Bonjour all 2 we need stratification for grandiflora a acid substrate like just blond peat for longifolia a calcareous substrate you can sow them right away or leave them at the bottom of the fridge to sow them in the spring warning our seasons are reversed for the new zealand it would be better to sow them away, fairly humid substrate and out all year round
  12. jeff 1

    ant plant

    merci for this picture . in australia you have also 2 or 3 hydnophytum , an other beccarii without spines , more myrmecodia
  13. Bonjour may be in winter your greenhouse is probably too cold, dorstenia are rather tropical plants from africa and central and southern america. for my part I always cultivate them at temperatures higher than 16 ° C (outside in summer) , with waterings all year long (keeping a dry substrate between each watering) the rubiaceae ( ant plants) are also tropicals plants ,from South East Asia. I cultivate these species in 2 terra , always with a good air hygrometry (80-90%)is grown a little like nephentes, since from the same backgrounds. I've been cultivating them for several years now, and I'm looking to swap
  14. jeff 1

    ant plant

    Bonjour thank for your answer these M.beccarii are the species with spines on the caudex or without ? have you seen others ant plant in your country ?
  15. Bonjour what were their growing conditions, especially for watering and temperatures ? jeff
  16. jeff 1

    ant plant

    Bonjour no one cultivates species of this genus specialy the rubiaceae
  17. no one cultivates species of this genus Dorstenia
  18. I am looking for seedlings or seeds from geranium of madere (Geranium maderense) please if you have PM me jeff
  19. http://pinguicula.free.fr/CHILO.png
  20. Bonjour very nice success long life to these plants jeff
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