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Posts posted by UtricLover

  1. I've had calycifida, sandersonii, and graminifolia and they were a success. I've heard from many sites longifolia is a weed! But please help, my longifolia wont grow! I've had it in LFS and perlite. Bigger leaves are dying and only small leaves remain, my sandersonii did this too but didn't die. Is it a form of adaptation or is it dying? Please help.

  2. Yo I'm a beginner, i have U. Arenaria and U. Calycifida is on shipment rn. Would the tea fertilizer thing work? And also, I once had a Calycifida and i was on a trip, my grandma took care of it. She put fertilizer, it was decaying and now it is dead, was there at least a chance it could've made it? 

  3. Same, I'm in indonesia too. Both peat moss and sphagnum are poor here. Planning to buy U. Arenaria. But we are rich of a Sphagnum species i believe is called Aulacomnium Palustre, it's cheap but i don't know if it'll do. Sphagnums are expensive here, so I'm trying to find an alternative. 

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