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Everything posted by N-A

  1. N-A

    Deep purpr flower

    I don't know because these flower bloomed for first time this year. I'll try self pollinate and sowing!
  2. N-A

    Deep purpr flower

    Thanks. These 2 form came from the same habitat! I heared that they were growing on steep srope where people can not enter. I think that the color difference of those flower is within the range of individual differences.
  3. It is realy beautiful!! Pinguicula macroceras from Akaishi mountain range, Japan
  4. Yes,maintain carnivorous leaves in winter rosette too! It is also characterised also leaves do not grow larger like other clone.
  5. The grew P.gigantea from seed......Thank you for interesting report! I have two clone P.gigantea, a clone that has been cultivated for long time in Japan(glands on one side, pictures 1・2) and a clone from Christian Klein(glands on both side, pictures 3・4). They had initially Yellowish green leaves. But when the feitilizer containing more nitrogen was given they, they leaves turned green. They may like feitilizer.
  6. Is this a hybrid?? Does this look like a hybrid? I do not understand.....
  7. Pinguicula leptoceras This was selected from import seeds. Strong in the heat. It is easy to cultivate.
  8. It is very beautiful flower! Muramatsu-machi merged with Gosen city in 2006. There is a famous habitat in Japan.
  9. Hello. I have heard that p.laueana 'CP2' and 'CP3' are P.moranensis. Is it true?
  10. Pinguicula macroceras Hayade River 400m, Gosen, Nigata, Japan Japanese name:ムシトリスミレ, 虫取り菫 Typically, Pinguicula of Japan is glowing at higher elevations.But this population is resistant to heat and easy to cultivate because it habitat is lowland. Can I use correct English? I'll absolutely wrong.....( ・᷄ ︵・᷅ )
  11. N-A

    Soon bloom!!!!

    I'm really looking forward to it! Pinguicula jackii
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