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Lee Chamberlain

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Everything posted by Lee Chamberlain

  1. Hi Fabrizio.

    I saw on a very old post that you had quite a few Dionaea FTS.....

    Would you perhaps have some for sale ?



  2. Good looking plants. What medium mix are you using ?
  3. Thank you. I'm sure I'll find something at the EEE.
  4. Ordered and received a few Dionaea from Sabrina.

    From ordering to receiving ,,, great service.

    Plants all good condition as advertised.

    Highly recommend seller


  5. Will be at the EEE 2019 I'm particularly looking for a DM Wally , a stable cheerleader or pom pom & GJ variations of dionaea. Lee
  6. I have purchased more than once from David in the past. Took a bit of time between ordering and receiving the plants but no problems This was however back in 2017.
  7. Received all my plants.
    Good sizes and an extra dionaea.

    I highly recommend Lucien

  8. Hello Ian,
    Have you or do you perhaps know of anyone distributing Dionaea SD Kronos ?
    I have been searching a while but not luck so far.


    1. Ian Salter

      Ian Salter

      Hi Lee.

      I have never had or seen Kronos and not even sure what it looks like.

      Here is a link to my growlist   https://1drv.ms/x/s!AnXxofSgPllVjTt52S4PUuARswsP




  9. I'm wondering if you ever managed to source a SD Kronos.

    Came across old messages of yours from 2016.

  10. Hello,

    Will you perhaps be selling some dionaea this year. Looking at the list last year there were a few i would be interested in



  11. Hello.

    I was curious if you have Dionaea plants for sale of swap ?
    I saw the following on an old list of yours from last year.  The following Dionaea are on my wish list.

    Miss Pimbeche
    Bloody Nurse

    Could we do a deal on swap or buying.

    Kind Regards.

    Based in The Netherlands.

  12. Did you ever manage to source a SD KRONOS ?

    Im still looking in europe to no avail.



  13. Did you ever manage to get hold of a SD KRONOS. Im still looking in europe but nothing on offer as yet.

  14. Did you manage to source a SD KRONOS eventually ?

  15. Im very concerned about my Vft’s. These last few days in The Netherlands the temperatures have stayed under 0. A few days averaging around minus 7. My pots are all frozen and look dries out on the top. They were standing in water a few mm high. Should i bring all my plants indoors and let them thaw, currently in my small green house that is heated and at 0 degrees. Usually before this big freeze temperatures were constant around 5 degrees. I have wrapped ground sheeting around the greenhouse. Advise please please . I wont be able to sleep tonight.
  16. Ordered dc-xl and maroon monster from Nick. Packaging good and plants look very good exactly . Delivery very quick . Thumbs up. 

  17. I saw one of the member here at CPUK was selling VFT's so i sent them a PM asking if VFT scarlatines were available. Included my private email adress to make communication quicker and for me easier. I received a paypal payment request 1 hour later. Just a paypal adress no other info apart from the sellers name and in the post "" 2 scarlatine "" I haven't' had any contact with the seller , have no information regarding the vft's , size ect of even a photo. Find it a bit strange. What's your take on it ? Im not going to even consider paying .. .feels very wrong. Lee
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