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Lee Chamberlain

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Everything posted by Lee Chamberlain

  1. delete post.. i see he logged on so ok i guess

  2. Hello Marcel

    Do you perhaps know if  EEE 2022 will be held this year ?

    Thank you in advance


    1. Marcel van den Broek

      Marcel van den Broek

      Sorry, So far no takers :sad:

    2. Lee Chamberlain

      Lee Chamberlain

      keeping my fingers crossed... thank you


  3. PM sent


    1. Lee Chamberlain
    2. Lee Chamberlain

      Lee Chamberlain

      Hi Thomas..

      Maybe you missed my PM - Payment via Paypal made on Monday 28 March

      Let me know when the plants have been posted.



  4. Thanks Lucien. So it reverts and stays that way ?
  5. https://www.diflora.it/international-order/ Check diflora.. they do have P certs but for a minimum order
  6. https://cpn.carnivorousplants.org/articles/CPNv50n4p224_231.pdf https://cpn.carnivorousplants.org/articles/CPNv50n2p87_91.pdf Maybe of interest !
  7. yes it is due to low light intensity..
  8. I'm looking for Dionaea FTS Etna and GJ White Tiger ... any idea where i could source them in the EU ?
  9. https://www.rosliny-owadozerne.pl/forums/topic/16780-20211120-capensi/ -
  10. http://www.omnisterra.com/bot/cp_home.cgi?name=dionaea&search=cultivars This site is already quite up to date regarding the origins of various dionaea cultivars
  11. Hi welcome An irish online shop if you are interested https://www.vftshop.com/ Regards Lee
  12. Growtents .. if you get permission from the boss to take over a room maybe an option ? Windowsill plants do quite well.. pings and dionaea
  13. I started with one plant.. small greenhouse.. then a bigger one but kept the smaller one too. Added benches with double shelves.. A couple of plants outside for a bog effect.. Some in stands cause they look nice.. ect
  14. As mentioned.. an osmosis unit or a water butt is also very useful
  15. I have killed my fair share of cephs.. no problems with other carnie plants.
  16. Flytrap.nl no longer exist.. I picked up the last few dionaea Jeroen had a while ago.
  17. What has worked for me specifically for dionaea ( venus fly traps) is to submerge the plant completely in rain water for one day. You maybe will have to repeat this until the aphids have all died. The first time will kill most but sometimes eggs will hatch later on so the chances are there could be more aphids. Look mostly under the leaves and on the stem .. that's where they like to hide. With a magnifying glass you can easily see them .. I used my iPhone with a magnifying app to take the photos.
  18. I have algae too.. I'm just going to drain the water .. clean the trays and refill. It's not much water anyway in my trays at the moment. Additionally i noticed worms of some sort in the soil of my dionaea so will repot too to be certain i start off spring with good healthy plants. Check your plants for aphids too. i see they are clearly visible and very hungry.
  19. No problem for venus flytraps with cold weather.. I have mine in a glass greenhouse. Temperatures in The Netherland got down to -17 degrees. All my pots were frozen last week but no deaths at all of my +200 dionaea
  20. I imagine some of the UK growers are able to export with certification and vice versa.
  21. Congrats.. looks like a winner.. nice looking plants
  22. If i get a lot of moss. I just use long nose tweezers to make a bit of room around the plants.
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