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Marcel van den Broek

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Everything posted by Marcel van den Broek

  1. Perhaps this is of some help: http://trees.martinsvillenj.com/gsseedsummary.htm
  2. Look what the Roridula's of the Leiden Botanical gardens caught! http://hortus.leidenuniv.nl/index.php?/h...._vlaamse_gaai1/ The text is not in English available so roughly: Carnivorous plant catches Eurasian Jay. An Eurasian Jay escaped from death last Tuesday in the winter garden. A sticky carnivorous plant had caught the large bird. A visitor prevented the plant from eating it's prey. Chief of Greenhouses Rogier van Vught managed to free the animal and called the animal rescue service. The bird had easy access to the greenhouse because the doors where open for the yearly movement of large non hardy potted plants into the greenhouse. When the bird has recovered it will be released again in the gardens. Burp! Verskoning (as they say in Afrikaans).
  3. After the successful and exciting event in Leiden last August, it is about time to begin thinking about the next ICPS conference scheduled for 2012. According to the principle of fair global distribution, the next venue should preferably be located in “The Americas”. If you or your society feels this should be your turn, please send a proposal by email to ([email protected]). Please supply in your proposal information on the person/society (with contact details, preferably email) who would like to organize the conference, the intended venue (capacity, equipment), travel details, accommodation, field trip opportunities and any ideas you find useful for the ICPS board of directors to make a choice (in favor of your proposal). Please understand that, while potentially interesting from a theoretical perspective, proposals without a direct (personal) commitment to organize a conference cannot be accepted for serious consideration (or further discussion) by the board. The ICPS is prepared to distribute information on the forthcoming event to its members and if requested, monetary support to cover advance expenses can be supplied. The conference should, however, be economically self-sustained so a partial payment by the ICPS can be reimbursed subsequently. If you have any questions about what should be in a proposal or have questions about what to expect when you try to set up for a conference you can ask your questions by mail at the e-mail address mentioned before. Having just hosted the 2010 conference, I will be happy to share my experiences. Your proposal should be received by the 31nd of January 2011. Thank you very much for your consideration. Marcel van den Broek Vice president, ICPS
  4. The post is on Carnivora, the Dutch CPS forum as of today, how about the rest of us????
  5. Hi Kevan, unfortunately the site is still not on line because of trouble with the firm that was hired to built the site. As I promised here: http://www.cpukforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=38508 we'll let everyone know when the site is on line.
  6. As long as you don't paint it "Shocking Blue" (if anyone outside The Netherlands remember them...)
  7. I like my whisky, but this is getting a bit to "rich" for me. I think I'll pour myself an affordable Highland Park to get over it..
  8. Hi Paul, No, rigidifolia is correct. Stew did speak say a few words about rajah but while it is one of the species on list 1 of CITES the wild population is relatively well protected thanks to the efforts of the local park wardens. rigidifolia on the other hand is much more under treath.
  9. I'll be there to see all of you and a great show (I just KNOW it will be ), glad the announcement is made and things are sorted out more or less..... Good luck in the preparations Tim & Team
  10. Stewart McPherson, well known for his magnificent books on carnivorous plants, has taken the initiative to form the Ark of Life Foundation. This non-profit foundation will initiate projects to preserve and protect genetic bloodlines of endangered species in cultivation. The first of these projects has just started. The Rare Nepenthes Collection Project aims to ensure the continuing existence of the four most endangered species of Nepenthes. These species are: Nepenthes aristolochioides, Nepenthes clipeata, Nepenthes khasiana and Nepenthes rigidifolia. The project will try to preserve all known ex situ lineages and obtain genetic material not yet in cultivation. It will also seek extension of participants both in this plants homelands and abroad en try to raise awareness to the threats to this species and their habitats. Plants produced by this project will be used for research and hopefully reintroduction to their natural habitat. This project is a joined operation between the Ark of Life Foundation, the ICPS and the Botanical gardens of Leiden (NL), where this collection will be housed. Last August, during the ICPS conference at Leiden the project agreement was signed. At this time the website of this project, www.arkoflife.net is not on line yet as people are still working hard to finish it. As soon as it will be on line we will let everyone know. Attached is a picture of the signing of the project agreement. The picture was taken by Mr. Art Vogel of the Botanical gardens. Left to right: Paul Kessler, Director of the Botanical gardens of Leiden, Stewart McPherson, Director Ark of Life Foundation and Marcel van den Broek, Vice President ICPS
  11. I am very sorry to hear this. I've met Susan several times, at Mike's and during an Australian fieldtrip. As others already said, she was really a nice person. My sympathy to her family and friends.
  12. Hi everyone, glad you all liked it. We are still running the exhibition and tours untill sundayevening and then we can have a rest As for Christian's question, no new place set, so offers are welcome (and it WILL take you over a year to prepare!). By the circultion schedule it should be held in "The Americas".
  13. This kind of games gets some people to start drinking We'll just have to get on our feet and do better in the other option Darren
  14. There will be no EEE in 2010 as the ICPS is being held in Europe this year. It is not a formal rule, but the basic idea is not to have 2 big events competing with each other for speakers and visitors. The more big events, the more difficult it is to show new things and have speakers that can tell something people haven't been told before. One big event with international speakers each year in each region is about the limit if you want to avoid repetitions unless someone finds a way to seriously increase the amount of research and discoveries
  15. Hi John, I'm sorry. Our webmaster was supposed to watch for this kind of mails during the holiday of our treasurer. We are having trouble getting a hold of him too, probably because he is moving house but in fairness I also ask to send a copy to me and I didn't see a mail from you either so it might be a mailproblem. I did get several other mails mainly from late arrivals however. Good thing is that our treasurer didn't get eaten in Africa and made it back. If you would re send your mail to [email protected] we can at the very least confirm your banktransfer for you. And please, just to be sure do send me a copy so we can see what goes wrong. Either [email protected] or [email protected] will do.
  16. Don't know about an English winter, but it survives a Dutch winter (actually several of them) fine in a bog garden amongst some sphagnum (-15 degrees C).
  17. Can't make it this year again due to work, travel company that have to abort, etc. Thought about driving over alone. Good thing I didn't though, car developed engine trouble. Better to have trouble at home and not in the UK (or any other foreign country). I will see lots of you probably in Leiden anyway and better luck next time....I hope.
  18. You'll find them now and then at Intratuin, but yes most are ventrata and a dark clone that is more often then not NOT rebbeca sopher but a Carniflora plant, though the real deal is sold sometimes. About 5 years ago mixta started to give way to the darkies as counterpart of the ventrata's but it is still sold. You just have to get lucky
  19. I would say Nepenthes x mixta (northiana x maxima). It is common as a gardencentre plant in Europe.
  20. Update: because some people had trouble to register we extended the registration date until the 15th of June. Everyone that has registered so far has received a confirmation. I you have not received this confirmation, but did try to register please send a mail to [email protected] (copy to me please)
  21. Hi, My answers to your questions: 1. Dependant on species, as Manders said, but also on location. Drosera anglica is extremely rare in The Netherlands, but less so in say The UK. 2. I think it can be very important. It depends if you can keep pure species with the locationdata at a good place like longtime growers or even better Botanical gardens. Best thing is of course to protect in habitat, but protecting the genetic spread of a species is always important. 3. Inside: capensis , spathulata, aliciae outside: rotundifolia, binata, filiformis ssp filiformis. Growing for 25 years, about 300 species/subspecies/ hybrids Contactinfo in profile. and good luck with the paper
  22. There are no poster sessions in the regular sence planned. No requests for the either. therefore the program is filled with the lectures and a discussion.
  23. Just a quick reminder for everyone: registration for the conference is open until June 1st
  24. All jokes aside, website is working fine at this moment as far as I can tell. Even the first sellers added Let me know (mail or PM) if you still have problems.
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