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Everything posted by Marcel van den Broek
Mirror x Mirror seedling (needs a name!)
Marcel van den Broek replied to FlytrapCare's topic in Dionaea
Broken Mirror -
How is it correct to call Cephalotus with locations?
Marcel van den Broek replied to dimitar's topic in Cephalotus
That's why I don't think a plant selected in cultivation should be given a name reffering to a location. A location name should reffer to plants from that location and nothing more. So there should be no clone Coal mine beach with " " or ' ' but only a number of plants (think for instance of all seedling raised from some seeds) that can trace their genetic roots to that location. "coal Mine beach black" or "coal mine beach giant" would be acceptable as it is the additions indicate that it's a selection from plants from this location. A single refference to a location should be reserved for all plants of that location. -
How is it correct to call Cephalotus with locations?
Marcel van den Broek replied to dimitar's topic in Cephalotus
You should just give it the species named + Loc.:XXX So Cephalotus follicularis Loc.: Coalmine beach, W.A. A plant with location data, provided you can trust the source to have good records, is potentially far more valuable than any cultivar or clone as it has additional information. It allows to keep populations/bloodlines separate and helps maintain a health population in cultivation by being able to cross unrelated plants. Also the plants are, if labelled correctly, still "wild" in most part (cultivation does have some unavoidable influence) and thus not diluted by what growers consider beautifull like in selected clones or cultivars. In all aspects these are the botanically superior plants in cultivation if you can get away from the "tulipmania" attitude of the stranger the better. (Just to avoid being shot at by just about any cultivar loving grower, I don't say there is no place for cultivars. You should grow that what you personally like but I try to look at this strictly from a botanical/ Mother Nature point of view )These plants do represent a problem though....the question wether the original material was legally collected or not..... -
Not sure if this is the right place to post it but as this is a free app and I'm not the maker I didn't think it belonged in sales. Anyway: There is a new and free app voor iphone, android and since a few hours also for iPad called "Nepy". It is an app that shows high quality pictures of both upper and lower pitchers of many nepenthes species and provides general information on the plant like origin and range. Primarily it is for use to look up a species in the field or in a greenhouse and provide identifying pictures. It also has a nice game function that lets you guess the name of the plant on a picture from 3 options. The maker of this app got his pictures from Redfern and that means that the picture quality is just about the same as the pictures in the Redfern publications. As I said, its FREE so you really don't have an excuses not to download it and have a look (unless ofcourse you haven't entered the age of smartphone/tablet in which case you'll just have to wait for the meteor ). If you do so, do the maker a favour and give it a rating/review
Permits for import to the UK
Marcel van den Broek replied to nadja77's topic in General Carnivorous Plant Discussion
Hi Nadja, euhh correction. I think you mixed up the appendix as most of your plants will be appendix II (like almost all Nepenthes) as N. rajah is appendix I. Main difference: You can send seeds but not plants of appendix II and nothing of appendix I without CITES permit. Here you can find on all species what their status is and what you can and can't do, I picked the "nepenthes-startpage" to link to as i think most of your plants are nepenthes but you can also search drosera etc although I don't think any drosera are listed yet, Dionaea is though as appendix II. http://www.cites.org...es/species.html Here is the checklist for CP's and CITES by Kew: http://www.kew.org/conservation/CITES_Checklists/CITESCarnivorousPlantChecklist.pdf It is a couple of years old and a lot of pages because it is not only in English but others too. -
You shouldn't be annoyed as you paid pre-order for books that you knew were not printed yet. You can pre-order the Drosera and Pinguicula books also now but they are projected for the winter 2013/2014. For the Lowrie books they were aiming for July, so they have a.t.t. a delay of almost 2 months from their goal. That isn't that much when you take all the steps into account that start with the final edit. The books are printed in India so apart from the normal proces of any bookprinter they have to send the stuff to India, the printer must print a page were Allen will sign the books, send it to Allen, he has to sign them and send them to India and there they will have to be placed among the other pages to make the books, those have to be send to the UK...Lots of things that could delay production. We (I also ordered them ) choose to pre-order because we want to make sure that we have a copy of a book from a limited printing, the price of that is that we pay months before the book is ready. The alternative is to hope there are enough copies and wait for the announcement that the books are printed and have arrived in the UK before ordening.
This was sent out on the 16th of August: Allen Lowrie’s Carnivorous Plants of Australia Magnum Opus, Vols. 1-3. Allen Lowrie’s long awaited life’s work is soon to go to the printers. It is an astounding series of books and offers a definitive, unparalleled and up-to-date examination of all carnivorous plants currently recognised from the continent of Australia (8 Byblis species; 1 Aldrovanda; 1 Cephalotus; 3 Polypompholx; 3 Nepenthes; 160 Drosera and 60 Utricularia). It includes twenty three new species, four new hybrids, eleven recombined taxa, two new records for Australia, and eight taxa that have been recalled from synonymy, as well as a wealth of new information and location data, new observations, unique photographs and new maps that update the original works. I will send a separate update shortly with expected delivery times. So we are to expect another mail with expected delivery times. Unfortunally, in Stew-speak "shortly" means "hopefully within 3 months" They will be worth the wait offcourse (as usual)
Hi, after a lot of trouble we managed to produce a set of 6 dvd's with the recodings of the 2010 ICPS conference in Leiden. All paricipants will get them send to their home when we are completely done and have produced enough of them (probably by the end of this year) as this was part of their registration. However, since it has taken us a long time I would like to ask any participants that have moved house since August 2010 to send their new postal address to penningmeester [at] carnivora.nl (no spaces). The Dvd's are only for those who attended the conference and NOT for sale, but we will upload material to You Tube after all participants have gotten their Dvd's.
Christian Klein: carnivores and more
Marcel van den Broek replied to werds's topic in Carnivorous Plant Websites
solid nursery, good sturdy shipping, plantsize is always reasonable by price and survivability . -
One of it's parents just broke down, so they are now divorced and it's living with ventricosa
Padova, Italy is correct but more information is still to follow.
Difficult subject that has had already much (TOO MUCH, don't start again PLEASE! ) discussion on this forum. D x 'California Sunset' is an official cultivar selected by Peter d' Amato from a filiformis x tracyi cross. Acording to the international rules for naming a plant plants from a self cross that look like the parent may be named as being the parent so according to this if you grow the plants, those seedlings that look like the mother plant can be called California sunset. However....Peter made note in his registration of the cultivar that it should only be reproduced by vegetative means. While this is technical not legally binding it IS the intention of the person who made the selection and in my opinion we should respect that. On top of that offspring is variable so it is better to stick to vegetative means to avoid discussions like "does it look enough like the mother plant". It also keeps everyone honest (in theory). So: if you germinate this seeds you'll get a set of plants, some of which will look very much like 'California sunset' but I wouldn't call them that and just label them either D x 'California Sunset' selfed or D. filiformis x tracyi or if you are still on the "these are subspecies" track D. filiformis ssp filiformis x filiformis ssp tracyi. All three options are acceptable.
I lost 2 of mine last year too Christian, the last one is struggeling. I'll let you know if he makes it and if I can take cuttings. Has anyone noticed that sometimes a certain location of a species just seems to "crash" in several collections at the same time, like some biological timebomb went off?
Purpurea 'Smurf'
Marcel van den Broek replied to Hannahraptor's topic in General Carnivorous Plant Discussion
I would prefer to have none of it all.....Delenda est deformatum! -
Purpurea 'Smurf'
Marcel van den Broek replied to Hannahraptor's topic in General Carnivorous Plant Discussion
unfortunatelly there are lots of them at the Carniflora nursery so it is quite available -
Just more money for conservation efforts like Meadowview and Ark of life
The next ICPS conference will be held in Cairns, Australia: ICPS Conference 2014: Cairns18-20th of July 2014 The 2014 ICPS Conference is presented by the three Australian CP Societies, The AustralianCarnivorous Plant Society, The Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society and The Australasian Carnivorous Plant Society. The conference will be hosted by The Cairns Botanic Gardens, which houses an impressive collection of tropical CPs. This 3 day event will cater for the scientific/academic community, hobbyists and coconservationists alike. High quality contemporary speakers and a range of public events will be complemented by two unique field trips. Two post conference field trips have been organised to capture the diversity of tropical Australian CPs. Monday the 21st of July, a full day trip to Mount Bartle Frere to see 3 different locations for Drosera schizandra. Tuesday 22nd - Saturday 26th of July, a rare opportunity to visit the very tip of Cape York to see Nepenthes, Tropical Utricularia, Drosera and Byblis. To express an interest in attending and to receive a pack, please email: [email protected]. Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ICPSconference2014
Call to societies: EEE Committe!
Marcel van den Broek posted a topic in Previous EEE Years - Archive
The following invite was send to the German, Portugese, Spanish, Czech, French, Italian and Belgian-Flemish societies as no contact information is available for other countries. If you are a member of an active group in another European country, please forward this message to your society president. Dear CP-societies, As you all probably know there are not many people left of the original EEE committee and many nationalities go unrepresented. We would like to restart this process as the volume of people who visit these events from all over Europe and beyond testify to its importance and demand. The Nancy EEE is a good spot to have a face to face meeting and restart the EEE process properly. We would like to invite the society presidents or someone they decide can represent them for a short meeting in Nancy to discuss the important things. There are many things we can discuss, like: Voting rules What should be part of an EEE, how should a proposal be made and decided on Communication, like an EEE Face book page and or website and what can/should we do with that And many other things. Of course we won’t have time for this in this first meeting (place to follow as we are discussing this with our hosts for this event, hopefully in the botanical garden or very near). Therefore we can see how fast we can proceed but for the moment there are three things we need to do: 1. Establish a committee, so a list of representatives and their contact information (preferably a primary contact and a back up person). 2. Decide how we are going to communicate and share information in the future. 3. Try if we can decide on the location of the next EEE. As by the original concept of the EEE-events, the language for the meeting will be English and short minutes on decisions will be taken. For the purpose of this meeting each represented society will have one vote, how to deal with countries with more than one society or societies of vastly different numbers of membership being some of the things to be discussed under voting rules in the future. Could you please let us know if you will be able to be represented and the name and e-mail of the representative so we can keep those people informed? If you can’t be at Nancy, would you please also state this and appoint a representative and provide us with that person’s name and e-mail so we can get them involved in the next phase? Please use voorzitter (at) carnivora.nl as a contact address. We hope to hear from you soon. Kind regards, Phil Wilson, Vice-chair and General Secretary The Carnivorous Plant Society Marcel van den Broek, President of Carnivora. Marcel van den Broek Voorzitter van Carnivora President of Carnivora, The Dutch CPS Vice-president, ICPS -
The CPS member services
Marcel van den Broek replied to SoLongFairWell's topic in Carnivorous Plant Societies
I did say the CPN text is more technical Mr Bailey. Some people prefer strong coffee to tea See you in Nancy, submitted the review of Dionaea for CPN last month -
The CPS member services
Marcel van den Broek replied to SoLongFairWell's topic in Carnivorous Plant Societies
Hi Richard, Let me start that I hope that you will be soon in a position to join both societies as each has their own value and is a solid society. However ( with the risk of Dennis being angry at me or worse Ian using me for practice ) I think that if the acces to magazines is the point that will make your current choice I think the ICPS is the best option as I honestly think that this will provide you with the most information. One warning: CPN has a high content of articles that are more technical (pure research) so not everbody will like them. -
Yes, it is a very nice book. I did a short review on it for CPN, the ICPS newsletter last year (CPN 41(3):122) . Here it is: Australian Carnivorous Plants Greg Bourke & Richard Nunn Redfern Natural History Productions 2012 ISBN 978-1-908787-02-6 Available for GBP 29.99/ 34.99 (Signed/unsigned) at www.redfernnaturalhistory.com Reviewed by Marcel van den Broek In front of me is the latest publication from Redfern, this time not from the hand of Stewart McPherson but “Made in Australia” by natives. Greg Bourke and Richard Nunn are two carnivorous plant enthusiasts with a well deserved reputation in fieldwork and photography. They combined their knowledge and passion to produce a book about the carnivorous plants of their native land. Let me start by stating what this book isn’t: It is not the long awaited and desperately needed field guide to the carnivorous plants of Down Under. But if not that, than what is it and why should you buy it? It’s somewhat ungainly size (31.5 cm wide and24 cm high) proclaims exactly what it is: a coffee table book and a suburb one at that. Not much for detailed text I’m afraid but a wealth of high quality photographs from all over this island continent adorn this book. All families of carnivorous plant are mentioned in this work, as indeed are a very large number of actual species. The writers claim to have given the first complete listing of all currently known species of Australian carnivorous plants. That may no longer be the case with all the new disciveries and renaming , but everyone will have to agree that this is the most complete work on the subject to this date and impressive by any standard. Each section starts with a short text giving the highlights of the botanical history of the family, some information on the structure of the plant, its trapping mechanism, the distribution and its habitat. Nice touch is the short texts labeled “Photographic Challenge”, giving an insight in the problems of photographing the plants. While I frankly would have liked more information on growing conditions this is a very good book. The highly detailed pictures of each species are a feast for the eye and the stunning shots of the Australian landscape make you want to run to the airport and fly over. The book ends with a section on the conservation status of Carnivorous plants in Australia naming not only the usual suspects as human influence as a main source, but also the lack of this influence as many species have evolved not only with but also because of 40,000 years of fire stick farming and modern Australian society is very much focused on the prevention of fires to protect property and people. Also global changes in the weather will see the demise of several species as species like Drosera arcturi are only found on the highest and coldest peaks and those places are getting scares. All in all a great book to dream away with and at GBP 29.99 a very reasonably prized book at that.
A healthy plant should have no problem flowering, just make sure it gets a fly or feed it a little if in a tank. Yes, you need two plants in flower to get seeds but it's still a nice flower