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Marcel van den Broek

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Marcel van den Broek last won the day on September 2 2023

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About Marcel van den Broek

  • Birthday 09/17/1967

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  • Location
    Mijdrecht, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    all carnivorous plants
  • Pronouns
    He / him

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  1. International call for proposals to host the 2026 ICPS conference. As no offers were received from The Americas, the priority region by rotation for this conference, the submission of proposals for the 2026 conference is now open to all countries. As planning take time we ask you to submit a proposal before April 1st 2025. We understand that due to time restrictions the proposal will not be highly detailed but it should for now include: *An offer of a three day lecture program (lecturers may follow) *The location and venue *The dates *A guarantee of at least two days of optional excursions after the conference (longer is encouraged) *A conference dinner Questions can be directed and proposals can be submitted to: [email protected] and [email protected] Please address your communications to both in case one of them is not available. https://youtube.com/shorts/qx5OZqHaGSc?si=w_Sw6aoFp_11VAf8
  2. The ICPS is open now for expressions of interest to host the 2026 ICPS conference. By rotation the conference is due to be held in the Americas and preference will given to applications from either North, Central, or South America, however other countries can still apply. Applications and questions should be directed to our Board member responsible for conferences, Brent Jones: [email protected]. We will leave this process open until August 31st, and notify the successful bidder shortly after that. When you email Brent you will receive a Conference Manual.
  3. Hi all, for those who may have middes it so fat, The ICPS has a teacher grant available. You can apply till the 31st of August https://www.facebook.com/InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety/posts/pfbid0VSW1sSKFqSSZi1tTyJASmkhpDA9fgtfMLgsEPbrgP9WZPGg5ssgyFFzPH5P8MvHSl
  4. The program is available and registration is open! https://dionee.org/european-exhibition-exchange-2023-2/ Affiche Carnivore EEE 2023 - English.pdf
  5. My fault guys, sorry. I didn't notice that it was posted as an announcement, so you can't reply normaly. As I'm a moderator I could reply. Nothing to do with being a member or not, just a sleepy moderator causing confusion. Happy that the subject is taken up by the forum members though.
  6. This forum porvides a service and serves to share information, so I would certainly leave content available. However, this forum is also very valuable to communicate open days, European and international meetings and open days. While the UK numbers are lower due to all the problems caused by Brexit (and that works both ways!), this is still important information as people still visit/participate even if buying and taking something home is more difficult (untill the politicians see the light/voters kick them out and start rebuilding). I can understand the problems an UK based society with mostly (but not exclusively) UK members has with funding this forum, though the cost you mention are suprisingly small). I would therefore advocate your third option as this still is one of the most used sales options and I think it is fair if you charge for that. I would make a difference between a sale of some seeds at 2 or 3 euro or pound a portion ( which I would keep free) and the sales i see that charge over 100 euro or pound for a plant. Charging the same fees as ebay or other less moderated and less reliable platforms is with those commercial pricing
  7. Hi Jozef, there should be a option for forgotten apsswords that sends you an e-mail. If that doesn''t work you'll need DaveQ as Admin. I can't reset you.
  8. We are delighted to announce that EEE 2023 will be hosted by the Nancy Botanical Garden in France. The event will be co-hosted with the French National Carnivorous Society (Dionée). This year we celebrate the 40 years of the Dionée association and the 10 years since Nancy hosted EEE. The dates are the 22nd (Friday), the 23rd (Saturday) and the 24th (Sunday) of September. Expect a good range of conferences and plant nurseries. Further details (dedicated webpage, tickets etc) will all be available soon. If you wish to participate or have an enquiry please contact : [email protected]
  9. The promotion video (YouTube movie) of the 13th ICPS Conference - Himeji, Japan is now ready. URL = https://youtu.be/RkQMRdriFzM Please note that the scenes of D. rotundifoliaand D. lunata habitats were taken outside of Hyogo Prefecture for reference only. The local habitats near Himeji, we are going to visit after the conference, may be smaller than those shown in the video. We will visit the same habitat of P. ramosa as that shown in the video.
  10. Our Japanese friends are going for it in 2023. Here is the latest. We have updated the web pages of the 13th ICPS Conference – Japan. Please visit the URLs: There are two new pieces of information. 1. The N. truncate grown in Hyogo Prefectural Flower Center (HPFC) won the Guinness World Record of the longest Nepenthes pitcher trap on August 20, 2022. A day trip to HPFC is planned on the following day (May, 29) after the conference. You can see the stabilized specimen of the pitcheras well as amazing CP collections in HPFC. (Please note that the N. truncata photo posted on the web page was taken on an earlier date than the Guinness official measurement.) 2. The border measures against COVID-19 was significantly relaxed by the government in October 2022. Since then, we can see many foreign tourists in major cities and tourist spots in Japan. However, if there are still any codes of conduct recommended by the government against COVID-19 as of May 2023, we will follow them. The updated web pages also have supplemental information on the 2 botanical gardens we will visit. The information on the “Hikari” Shinkansen train in the English page may be useful for those who want to use Japan Rail Pass and travel from Himeji to Tokyo for the field trip to P. ramosa habitat. Japan Rail Pass is an unlimited ride ticket of JR trains and JR buses but cannot be used for “Nozomi” and “Mizuho” Shinkansen trains. Visit the web page < https://japanrailpass.net/en/about_jrp.html> for details. We hope you start thinking about participation in the conference and prepation of your travel plan in this holiday season.
  11. Christian has been around for ages and has a 100% solid reputation. Very nice plants too (not a Nepy, but I've been at his place and have seen them. Also, I did buy other CP's).
  12. Hello Marcel

    Do you perhaps know if  EEE 2022 will be held this year ?

    Thank you in advance


    1. Marcel van den Broek

      Marcel van den Broek

      Sorry, So far no takers :sad:

    2. Lee Chamberlain

      Lee Chamberlain

      keeping my fingers crossed... thank you


  13. Due to the globally continuing health concerns with the COVID19 pandemic and related restrictions to travelling, the 13th ICPS World Conference organizer team has decided to postpone the conference by another year. Infections by coronavirus, especially the omicron variant, still continues in many countries including Japan. As a result, non-Japanese nationals are currently suspended from entering Japan. It is unlikely that this restriction will be fully lifted by this coming May. Notwithstanding the recent circumstances, there are some encouraging news suggesting calming down of the pandemic in 2022. According to Health authorities including WHO, the public health emergency can end within 2022. Our new plan is to hold the conference in Himeji City in May-June of next year. We will announce the specific dates as soon as we have reserved the venue. We appreciate your kind understanding and look forward to meeting/seeing you in Himeji in 2023. 13th ICPS World Conference Organizer Team
  14. New ICPS Photo contest The 2022 ICPS Photo Contest results will be part of the 2nd World Carnivorous Plant Day (WCPD) celebration on May 4, 2022. The submission deadline is April 22, 2022. Winners receive a 1-year MEMBERSHIP to the ICPS. Please see the Photo Contest Rules link below for more information. The 2022 Judges are the winners of the 2021 Photo Contest! -Stephane Joly from France -Krzysztof Banaś from Poland -Phillip Bernie from Australia We had about 150 entries last year - let's beat it this year! https://www.carnivorousplants.org/about/PhotoContests
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