Well, I was bored of growing pigmy drosera in square pots so with my surplus Gemmae, I've planted a 53cm x 42 cm Stuart tray with them! Species include:- D. Scorpoidies Albany D. Dichrocephala D. Pulchella D. Paleacea D. Pygmeae NZ D. Roseana D. Australis D. Allantostigma D. Paleacea Giant Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk A very big thanks to Mark Anderson for donating some of his spare Gemmae as well ! Very much appreciated! It's under the propagator lid with some LED lights on to get them stated . I'll keep you posted every month! There in a mix of peat moss , pearlite, quartz gravel and granite dust! They will be top dressed with granite dust/ chipping's when they get going!