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Contemplating an outdoor bog garden



I guess I'm not alone in finding this hobby taking over my life! What started out as a cute idea for a novelty plant that might help keep down a few flies (which thankfully disappeared the day before the first CPs arrived) is taking on a life of its own.

My latest thought, mainly motivated by the lack of space in the house, was to look into an outdoor bog garden. I reckon I'll have to wait until the spring for this, it's probably not the time of year now, but I can start dreaming. Also, being the impetuous type, once I've come up with an idea, I have to check it out right away. So, I went to the Bog Gardens section of the site with the intention of asking a question, and found that several people had got there before me. Great, means there are answers already!

In particular, I found this excellent thread started by Floydsdad. This had several advantages for me over the other posts there. First, it was started last January, way before I got into this hobby, and has been updated ever since, so there's a good follow-up. Secondly, he's added loads of photos, so we can see what he did. Thirdly, and maybe most important for me (psychologically at least), he only lives a few miles away, so I can have confidence that if his bog garden can survive here in tropical sunny (ahem) Manchester.

So, off to the phrontistery (fancy word for a place where you go to think) to plan this out. Hopefully I'll keep a record of what I did here.


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