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About simone91

  • Birthday 11/25/1991

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  • Location
    Florence, Italy
  • Interests
    Pinguicula, Utricularia, Drosera...

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  1. You are welcome! Sorry for the late reply, I actually don't know its parents, they aren't reported on the Araflora website and it isn't an officially registered cultivar... I think it's related to agnata and maybe to moranensis, but that's just a personal guess, and both species are quite variable.
  2. It should be a Pinguicula x 'Blue Bells', sold by Araflora/Carniflora.
  3. simone91

    Red Light

    It is a hybrid that surely involves p. ehlersiae, with which it is very easy to make cuttings (having rosettes composed of many fleshy leaves). That said, I keep cephalotus and drosera regia in a cold greenhouse in winter (where temperature can drop to 0° C, but only for a few hours) with Mexican butterworts (kept well dried, so they tolerate low temperatures better - it's a trick that works well also with succulent plants). If you are a beginner with this genus, however, I suggest you keep it protected. Induced dormancy is not necessary: the plant, changing rosette type (if it feels a change in humidity, photoperiod or temperature) warns you to treat it differently, keeping the soil less moist when resting. The best thing to do is to you multiply your plants and try to expose them to different conditions. Ed ecco la risposta in italiano! Allora, dicevo, è un ibrido che sicuramente coinvolge P. ehlersiae, con cui è molto facile fare talee (avendo rosette composte da molte foglie, fra l'altro piuttosto carnose). Detto questo, io il cephalotus e la drosera regia li tengo in serra fredda anche d'inverno (dove sfioro gli 0°C, ma per poche ore), insieme anche alle pinguicole messicane (tenute ben secche, così tollerano meglio il freddo - è un trucco che funziona anche con le piante grasse). Se sei alle prime armi con questo genere però ti consiglio di tenerla a temperature più miti, anche in casa come una pianta tropicale, il riposo non è necessario: è la pianta stessa che cambiando tipo di rosetta (se percepisce un cambiamento nell'umidità, nel fotoperiodo o nella temperatura) ti avverte di dover essere trattata diversamente, tenendo il terreno meno umido durante il riposo. La cosa migliore, se vuoi fare esperienza, è moltiplicare le tue piante e provare ad esporle a diverse condizioni.
  4. simone91

    Red Light

    You can keep it with tropical droseras during the winter, but probably it won't feel the "seasonal change" and its dormancy cycle will be slightly altered... But that wouldn't be a big problem. I got a P. "Red Light" this summer and I'm planning to keep it inside under artificial light until springtime. I'm pretty sure it's a resistant plant (as the common butterworth hybrids are)... and with those ehlersiae-like leaves you can take a lot of leaf pullings!
  5. simone91

    Red Light

    Hi, Pinguicula "Red Light" is a nice mexican hybrid related to P. ehlersiae, you should keep it inside (or protected from frosts) during winter.
  6. Hi, I'd say they are:1) P. rectifolia 2) P. pilosa 3) P. moranensis x gypsicola 4) P. crassifolia 5) P. laueana x ehlersiae 6) P. cyclosecta x esseriana
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